Six Things You Were Guaranteed To See At A Valentine's Day Concert

February 14, 2016
Valentine’s weekend concerts satisfy countless couples again and again each year. Whatever the music genre, fans enjoy a heartfelt show – and hopefully the gift-giver made their significant other very happy.
Especially for Valentine’s Day weekend, artists make sure to use some best-loved performance tricks of the trade. Yes, just like that Harlem Globetrotters confetti skit, fans might see it coming. But while performing an hour-plus set of love songs, ballad singers almost have to pull off at least a couple of these tricks of the trade to make a Valentine’s weekend show complete.
Guaranteed these six things happened at a Valentine’s concert this past weekend.
#1: A Male Artist Taking Off His Shirt!
No doubt, ladies, you have seen the “Should-I-Take-My-Shirt-Off?” routine. Probably abuelita saw this back in the day, too. It never gets old, right? You would think you would need to have the six-pack for it, but Michael Jackson’s skinny self did it all the time! If singers thought it didn’t drive fans into a frenzy, they wouldn’t do it.
#2: A Male Artist Kissing A Female Fan Sitting Near The Stage!
Connecting intimately with the crowd is a big part of a great performance. What better way to do that than kissing a fan? The hope is the artist identifies a woman from a ladies night crew instead of pecking someone with the jealous boyfriend in attendance.
Sólo Por Un Beso indeed.
#3: A Male Artist Kissing A Female Fan While Walking Through The Crowd!
Sometimes instead of picking out a lady sitting in the front row, the artist can wait to spot someone while they walk off the stage and into the crowd. After7 lead singer Kevon Edmunds pulled #3 in New Jersey Friday night.
#4: A Male Artist Throwing Roses Into the Crowd!
What celebrates Valentine’s Day more than a rose? So instead of walking through the crowd this weekend, an artist might have tossed some roses into the crowd. Notice the fine technique displayed here by the late, great salsero Cheo Feliciano (2:56 minute mark).
#5: A Male Artist Going Acoustic!
After performing with the full band and probably dancing a little, it’s always a good idea to catch a breathe and strip things down musically by singing a hit song accompanied by just a favorite instrument. Think John Legend at a piano or Kenny “Babyface” Edmunds with a guitar (notice Babyface’s shirt is unbuttoned after utilizing thing #1 earlier in the show).
#6: A Male Artist Giving a Fan a Selfie!
This is the ultimate “get” at a show today. We all want to record our concert memories. How great is it if the artist gives you a selfie? There are a few ways to go about this. 1. A fan can walk down the aisle to the front of the stage and take a selfie with the artist in the background. 2. A fan can grab the artist as he walks through the crowd and take the selfie. 3. A fan can hand the artist their phone in hopes the artist takes the phone, takes the selfie then hands the phone back to the fan.
The last option is what Enrique Iglesias utilized earlier this month in Connecticut (3:16 minute mark).
Did you see any of these at the Valentine’s concert you saw this past weekend? Post on facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag us @DahdayCom.
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