In Honor of #GeorgeFloyd, We Can Support Justice, Re-build Together (Updated June 15, 2020)

June 15, 2020
There is pain and sadness from what we all witnessed this weekend, but now the question is – how do we channel that energy to support justice and help re-build together?
To combat the senseless death of George Floyd and the generations of innocent deaths of Black men and women, we wanted to acknowledge specific grassroots organizations and fundraisers. We urge our newsletter members to consider donating. We are biased to support organizations that are directly raising money for the Floyd family or were involved with the peaceful protests of this weekend.
We also have developed a running list of small businesses in Minneapolis/St, Paul, New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia that were impacted by looting or fires. If you know of businesses impacted, email us at or reach out on our Facebook, Twitter of Instagram pages and we will certainly include them.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN:
The Official George Floyd Memorial Fund – GoFundMe
Philando Castile Relief Foundation –
Rebuild La Raza Radio Station The Latino Voice MSP – GoFundMe
The organizer, Maya Santamaria, is the former owner of El Nuevo Rodeo, the Minneapolis nightclub that serves as a home for live concerts for the area’s Latino community. Artists such as La Fe and Zacarias Ferreira have graced its stage. She owns La Raza Radio now and sadly the building where the station was housed was set ablaze this weekend.
Rebuilding Bole Ethiopian Cuisine – GoFundMe
Visit Lake Street –
This organization, which helps to promote the multicultural business district, has started a fund to help local businesses rebuild.
New York, NY:
Black Lives Matter of Greater New York –
If you would like to share info on an organization or fundraiser in any of the boroughs, Long Island or Connecticut, email or reach out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Newark, N.J.:
People’s Organization for Progress –
Larry Hamm’s organization led a large part of the peaceful protests in Newark. Contact via phone or email to coordinate donations.
If you would like to share info on an organization or fundraiser in Northern or Central New Jersey, email or reach out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Philadelphia, PA:
Please Help Rebuild The Kim’s Family Store – GoFundMe
This small business at 48th and Lancaster Ave. was looted over the weekend.
Help My Parents Get Back Their Shoe Repair Business – GoFundMe
West Philadelphia Corridor Collaborative –
Though this organization doesn’t have an online fundraiser live yet, it may soon. Contact this group of stakeholders and small business owners in West Philly on how you can help rebuild there.
If you would like to share info on an organization or fundraiser in Philadelphia, South Jersey or Delaware, email or reach out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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